The purpose of this blog is to know and understand the teacher's perspective concerning current issues on education reform and the teaching profession. Inputs from the ones who probably knows what is best for students academically -- the teachers -- are rarely considered in decision making of policies. Yet, these so-called education experts and lawmakers dictate how we do our jobs and what we should teach. That's not right!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Profile: Democrats for Education Reform -- Jackasses beget more jackasses

Cash, Rules, Everything, Around, Me
C.R.E.A.M. get the money
Dollar, dollar bill y'all
~ Method Man of the Wu-Tang Clan

Election Day in this country is only 8 days ways and among educators, these upcoming elections are critical and will place us at crossroads. Among the two political parties, right now, I can't tell you who are really on our side anymore. While I am a life-long Democrat (who may become more of an Independent and vote for the little candidates in the future), I am not that naive in thinking that both Democrats and Republicans are perfect and  free from corrupted practices.  However, thanks to this informative article about the "billionaire boys club" playing Captain Save-A-School via investments in charter schools I came across last week ago, I am sorely disappointed in learning of the existence of Democrats for Education Reform (DFER).

Essentially, these Democrats favor all the current education reform tactics, including the current charter school movement. In addition, according to its watchdog group, DFER is working behind the scenes very diligently via political pull for education reform policies; investment in propaganda mechanisms, like the film, Waiting for Superman; financial clout on Wall Street; and prominent roles on the Board of Trustees in various charter school organizations. In fact, DFER is a political action committee mainly run by hedge fund managers, folks who make millions, even billions, in opportunistic investments with less risk and greater potential in making a large amount of profit. The "business" of operating charter schools under the current movement is like an ideal "pot of gold" for these investors -- non-unionized workforce, free from regulations, selective admission, innovative learning and teaching, greater demand than supply, very popular with the public, and greater return in investments especially since charter schools can still receive public funding. In the mind of these investors, what is not to love about investing in charter schools!

One would generally expect the GOP to engage in something like this, not Democrats. While everyone agrees that something must be done to fix our public schools, these political and financial cronies are focus on one thing, and one thing only -- making money. But at the expense of whom? Exploiting those who need the help the most -- the disadvantaged, mainly in inner cities. Is this really about the kids? Is this about providing educational opportunities for all children? How dare you play with these young mind with unproven strategies just to make a quick buck! The long-term effects of these...I don't even want to think about it.

It's funny to note that educators and teachers unions have traditionally supported the Democratic Party and voted many of them into office. DFER is a major slap in the face to us constituents, as it too blames the plight of public schools on the teachers and their unions. Yet, in the upcoming elections, many of us will still vote for the Jackass. Perhaps we are the Jackasses for voting for these people knowing they may not have our true interests at heart. The education reform tactics have grown in popularity; the charter school movement has plenty of momentum its way; and the teachers and teachers unions are delineated as the antagonists in the national debate on education reform.

Is there a political evolution occurring within the Democratic Party? It is said "the Democrats represent the people", while "the Republicans represent the wealthy". DFER is breaking all the rules! They are not concerned with looking out for the little guy by providing all children with a sound public education; they are willing to walk away from the liberal platform on education for a dollar.


 for going against your principles!

and act accordingly; for

WHAT A PITY! *sigh*

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